About Me

Anthropologist of Science & Tech | UX Researcher | Strategist

IMG_6680I am a cultural and applied anthropologist working at the nexus of Science and Technology Studies, Africana Studies, and Women’s and Gender Studies. My work as a researcher, professor and designer is motivated by my commitment to anti-colonial, feminist methodologies and theory. My goals are to develop strategies and interventions that confront inequality and democratize science and technology for all.

My research explores the cultural and material practices of scientific knowledge production, learning and innovation in Ghana, Nigeria and the U.S. I am particularly interested in the politics of race, gender, class and coloniality and how they function as interlocking systems, to shape the sociocultural and geographic landscapes of science and technology for Black/African women today.

As a User Experience Researcher, my work focuses on uncovering the critical junctures, experiences and product interactions that contribute to user sentiment and understanding. I am a highly skilled qualitative-leaning, mixed methods researcher with expertise includes ethnography, in-depth interviews and discourse analysis. My research is holistic and transnational in scope to inform product development, policy, and strategy.

I am currently an assistant professor in the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, San Diego. Previously, I worked as an assistant professor in the Department of Anthropology at Purdue University. (2019-2020).

I completed my BS in Anthropology, an M.A in Educational Leadership and Policy, M.A in Anthropology, and a PhD in Anthropology at UC Riverside. I held a National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship at the University of Denver from 2017-2019.

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