Anthropologist, Professor, and User Experience Researcher.


  • Exploring Identity Formation of Minority Women in STEM through International research experiences
  • This research examines the ways in which varying cultural contexts of scientific inquiry may inform these experiences and the complexities of identity formation across the intersections of race, gender, class, and what it means to be a scientist through the cultural and material practices of contemporary international science agendas and networks. This project takes a multi-sited approach combining participant observation, free-listing, semi-structured and structured interviews and experimental research.
  • Spelbots: A Case Study for fostering inclusive environments for STEM learning.
  • Dissertation Research: Understanding  “how” to foster inherently inclusive environments for STEM learning utilizing the strengths of the local institution and its historical mission and thus should contribute to NSF’s mission of increasing the participation on students from underrepresented backgrounds in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.